Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sometimes its all about the resources....
Apologetics Resource list
The Following is a list of helpful web sites in seeking answers for an apologetic of the Christian faith. I am not endorsing all of these sites. Some of them contain information that is certainly controversial. However, they are valuable in the pursuit of asking and answering questions that can help lead to a clear articulation of what is believed. Sites are rated on a * system(1 star* - 5 star*****).
The Apologetic Response Ministries (ARM)
A blog site by David Upton that deals with a variety of apologetic issues. World views are discussed, books and movies are reviewed and events or current issues are discussed.
Conversational Apologetics Workshop - Power Points
These are powerpoint presentations made available from apologetics workshop offered through Shepherds Community Church. The workshop was 12 weeks long and addressed a number of valuable issues such as the problem of evil, the existence of God, various world views are also examined. Some valuable tools are also made available such as critical listening, how to ask open ended questions and conversational examples are given.
ExChristian.Net A list of atheism vs. theism debates
This is actually a site dedicated to “leaving religion behind”. However, it gives some good examples of attacks on the Christian faith and has a list of atheism vs. theism debates to download. This is an interesting site to test to give a glimpse into a non biblical mindset.
** - Sermons by Dr. Walter Martin
A site where audio sermons can be down loaded for free on all kinds of issues as well specific Bible passages. Has Sermons by Walter Martin, Ken Hamm, and others dealing with various apologetic issues such as creation vs evolution, reliability of scripture, various religions and cults, etc.
Every Student.Com
A site geared for students. A safe place to ask questions about college, life, and what it might be like to know God. Addresses many apologetic questions in both a theoretical and life context sense. Availability to ask questions and get feedback.
A ministry designed to facilitate online communities of evangelism and discipleship. Hosts several web sites targeted to different areas of life such as marriage, military, retirement, men and women. Chats, blogs, articles and training are all made available.
Internet Evangelism :: Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World!
A unique site offering a host of resources targeted at online evangelism. Links to chats, blogs, articles, training, video and audio resources are made available. Thorough and comprehensive. More of an overall evangelism than apologetics site but many resources can be found useful for apologetics.
Evangelism Tackle Box
A creative site designed to help Christians go into secular chat rooms and witness and defend the faith. Multiple resources are given to help in the task – thus the term “tackle box”. Apologetic resources as well as cult information and links to use podcasts, ecards, video, facebook and various internet tools are all linked.
The Institute for Creation Research
A site dedicated to Creation research. Free articles and publications are made available. Multiple resources are made available for specific target areas such as teachers, parents, pastors, etc. Excellent apologetic evidences are given for a variety of pertinent questions.
The Creation Research Society
Many free articles and publications made available as well as resources for sale. Exhaustive list of links to other creationist organizations are made available. A list of potential speakers and subjects are also itemized.
CARM - Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
An examination of secular philosophies and world religions are examined and a Christian defense on multiple issues. Various forums and online schools for download are made available. Many free resources as well as a store for valuable apologetic materials.
A Christian Thinktank
A link page to various articles and information to help critically examine The Christian faith and several religions. Also a handful of discipleship material is offered.
The Academy of Christian Apologetics
The Academy is a ministry whose goal is to provide each and every Christian with the materials needed to learn how to articulate and defend their faith in a way that stands up to intellectual criticism. Articles, online lectures and transcripts are all available as well as a good list of links.
Apologetics Information Ministry (AIM)
Formed by Craig Hawkins as a Christian apologetic and research organization. A good list of resources including outlines, papers and bibliographies on numerous apologetics subjects are offered
Associates for Biblical Research
A site built to serve the Christian community with vital archaeological and Biblical research on the reliability of the Bible. Various articles and resources are made available.
Evidence for God from Science
A fairly exhaustive site offering information on a wide range of apologetic topics. Most all information is in an article format. Also includes book and movie reviews as well as a discussion forum.
Welcome to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Renowned apologist Ravi Zacharias ministry Page. Free resources as well as for sale items made available. Essays, Bibliographies and recommended reading lists are posted. Information on the ministry and links for audio and video made available.
UK Apologetics: Countercult, Apologetics, Christian Philosophy.
Founded by British Evangelical Conservative Theologian, Robin A. Brace, BD. A site dedicate to articles dealing with a wide variety if apologetic themes. An excellent list of other apologetic sites is posted.
An excellent list of essays are posted in the apologetics section. The site also lists Christian responses to various academic departments. Also include a good links page to other apologetic ministries.
Veritas Forum
Audio and video made available of some of the leading speakers and authors on multiple apologetics resources. An excellent resource for lectures and speakers.
This site features scholarly and popular resources concerning intelligent design and philosophical theism. Articles, debates, interviews and book reviews are all made available.
Probe Ministries - Probe Ministries
Probe's mission is to present the Gospel to communities, nationally and internationally, by providing learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship, training people to love God by renewing their minds and equipping the Church to engage the world for Christ. Podcasts, articles, powerpoint presentations are all free resources. There is also an online store featuring books, cd’s and dvd’s. Good links page.
PleaseConvinceMe is designed to be an outreach tool, assisting Christians as they try to explain and defend their beliefs. This website is specifically designed to provide answers for courageous Christians who are challenged in their schools and communities, while also providing evangelical information for unbelievers and those who have been misled by errant theologies. An excellent list of links is listed.
Cult Information of ICSA's Cult Information Service
This site contains an e library with more than 19,000 documents on cults, new religious movements, sects, spiritual abuse, and related groups and topics. Conferences, workshops and research all made available.
**** is a project sponsored by C. S. Lewis Society and Trinity College of Florida. When the C.S. Lewis Society was started in 1988, it was designed to be a "Christian evidences" outreach to university students and professors. Our passion has been to employ key breakthroughs in apologetics in order to effectively engage campus unbelievers with Biblical truth, and to equip Christians in giving sound reasons for their faith. Lists articles of apologetic content.
Christian Cadre
This site is a comprehensive guide to the apologetic efforts of CADRE members, as well as a guide to contemporary and traditional Christian scholarship not affiliated with the CADRE. It is broad in scope, offering websites and articles related to almost every facet of Christian apologetics. Multiple resources made available.