Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sometimes its all about the resources....

There is no way around it, at some point we have to ask the big questions in life. Why am I here? Is God really there? Is there a purpose to this life? How we answer those questions determines our world view, our quality of life and our sense of purpose(or lack thereof). As bright as we all like to think ourselves to be I am constantly confronted with the reality of what I don't know and yet desire to... Most often it is helpful in my pursuit of discovery to be challenged by what others are asking.... Unfortunately at times it is hard to even know the right questions to ask. Observing what  others are asking and how they respond to those questions can be an invaluable resource. The following post is a list of websites I have found valuable in the discovery quest. They are varied in focus and content but are all generally connected to an apologetic of the Christian faith. I hope you will find them useful in the pursuit of answering the big questions.

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